Force4 Architects projekt Vestre Fjordpark er en af de 3 finalister, som er normineret til den Danske Landskabspris 2017!

Den multifunktionelle fjordbark er sammen med to andre projekter udvalgt som de sidste tre, da juryen mener, at de tre finalister hver især bidrager til deres lokalområder, særligt i form af social merværdi, der kommer borgerne til gode. Derudover glæder juryen sig over, at der indgår miljømæssige tiltag som eksempelvis LAR-løsninger (Lokal afledning af regnvand) i alle tre projekter. De 3 nominerede projekter, Lindevangsparken, Forpladsen i Nordvest og Vestre Fjordpark, er alle flotte eksempler på nyere dansk landskabsarkitektur. De afspejler alle inspirerende og holdbare byrum, der er skabt i dialog med slutbrugerne, samtidig med at funktionelle krav til LAR, drift, anlægsøkonomi og æstetik går flot hånd i hånd.

D. 25. oktober overdrager kulturminister Mette Bock Dansk Landskabspris 2017 på 70.000 kr. til vinderprojektet ved et prisarrangement på Nationalmuseet. Tilmelding kan ske via Billetto senest den 18. oktober kl. 12. Bemærk at der er begrænset antal pladser, så det er efter først til mølle princippet.

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Flere nyheder

Ny prækvalifikation

  Force4 Architects kan med glæde meddele, at vi er blevet prækvalificeret til at deltage i konkurrencen om plejecenteret Christians have i Solrød Kommune. Projektet består i etablering af 30 nye plejeboliger og 24 nye rehabiliteringsboliger med tilhørende servicearealer og udearealer.      

Rejsegilde i Ebberød

Første etape af projektet Ebberød i Rudersdal Kommune er godt i gang, og i fredags d. 23. september var der rejsegilde. Projektet omfatter i alt 100 boliger til borgere med fysiske og psykiske handicap.

New Prequalification

Force4 is happy to announce that we just have been prequalified for a new competition "Velkomstcenter Mols Bjerge"  in Jutland. The project competition is about creating an information center for the national park. We will be working together with AllesWirdGut and Oluf Jørgensen A/S.    

1st prize Hyrdehøj

Force4 is happy to announce that we just won the competition Hyrdehøj - a new nursing home in Roskilde, in cooperation with Cubo, Balslev and Henrik Jørgensen Landscape.

Force4 at Biennalen in Venice this summer

Force4 is happy to be a part of the Danish Pavilion at Biennalen, in Venice, this summer. Our project AIH – WIMBY - welcome to my backyard, has been warmly received and we got a lot of great response on this project.

You can read more about the Danish Pavilion exhibition and our project here. (Information, 20.May 2016)

The architecture exhibition can be seen from now on until November the 27th 2016.

Advisory board

Force4 is happy to present the new Advisory board consisting of: Kaj Wohlfeldt, Henrik Rossen, Flemming Andersen, Jesper Lund and Kim Thines (not present at the picture). We are looking forward to the future collaboration.

Wood Wool Award 2015

We are happy to announce that FORCE4 is the winner of the WOOD WOOL AWARD 2015 in the category "Manufactured by Troldtekt" with the project: New natural and cultural center in KRIK.

You can read more about the award and the project, see the jury´s comments and watch a move about the project at Troldtekts webpage, here.

1st Prize – Følager

FORCE4 has just won the competition about a new nursing home for blind and visual impaired people at Følager, Copenhagen in cooperation with NCC, SWECO, CUBO and BOGL.

New Prequalification

Force4 is happy to announce that we just have been prequalified for a new competition "Generationernes Hus"  in Aarhus, Jutland. The project competition is about creating a new place on the harbor which gathers a lot of functions in one house. Day care centers, student residences and housing for elderly people will all be housed under the same roof and thereby change and challenge the usual way we normally think about buildings for the older generation. We will be working together with AART and cc-contractor.

Award winning

Force4 has received an award from the municipality of Kolding for the housing project in Brandrupdam. The award is received based on the functionality and the optimized development of the houses, with a special focus on the possibilities for individual development for each residents and space for the community. Force4 is very proud of this award and looking forward to use the gained knowledge from this project on future projects.

AIH chosen to Biennalen next summer

Force4 is happy to announce that our project AIH has been chosen to be a part of Biennalen in Venice next year. The Architecture Biennale 2016, is the 15th International Architecture Exhibition and will take place from May 28th to November 27th 2016. Reporting From The Front will be the title of the exhibition.

1st prize at Kellersvej

Force4 has just won the competition about housing on Kellersvej in Gladsaxe, together with Cubo Architects, AplusB, Henrik Jørgensen landscape and the engineering companies Oluf Jørgensen and Grontmij Acoustica.


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